Time Regained

The Tall Trees: A Juno Novelette

Published on November 19th of 2013 by Paul Scheerbart and Joel Morris in Fiction, Time Regained, Tongue Ties.

Paul Scheerbart
translated by Joel Morris

The tall trees groped more and more intensely in the air with their long branch arms and could not calm themselves down; they wanted to know for certain what they once were, back when they did not yet have branches.

The asteroid Juno was a thick round disc. It resembled an earthly pancake. The diameter of this pancake measured no more than 200 kilometers; it was at most five kilometers thick, but it was only that thick in the middle—towards the edges it became thinner and thinner.

The only inhabitants of Juno were immensely tall tree creatures, whose roots entwined together in the middle of the planet. The trees reached extremely high up into the ether—in the middle nearly a hundred kilometers high—just as much on one side of … Read More »

Die großen Bäume. Eine Juno-Novellette.

Published on November 18th of 2013 by Paul Scheerbart in Guest Languages, Time Regained.

 Paul Scheerbart

Die großen Bäume tasteten mit ihren langen Astarmen immer heftiger in der Luft herum und konnten sich gar nicht beruhigen; sie wollten durchaus wissen, was sie einst waren, als sie noch nicht Astarme hatten.

Der Asteroïd Juno war eine dicke runde Scheibe – so wie ein großer irdischer Eierkuchen sah er aus; der Durchmesser dieses Kuchens betrug noch nicht einmal zweihundert Kilometer, dick war er nur in der Mitte, den Rändern zu wurde er immer dünner.

Die Juno wurde nur von riesig großen Baum-wesen bewohnt, deren Wurzeln sich in der Mitte des Sterns durcheinanderschlangen. Sehr hoch ragten die Bäume in den Äther hinauf – in der Mitte fast hundert kilometer hoch – sowohl nach der einen Kuchenseite wie nach der andern. Aber nach dem Kuchenrande zu wurden die Bäume immer kleiner, so dass der … Read More »

Antonio Machado: Covers by Daniel Evans Pritchard

Published on October 8th of 2013 by Daniel Evans Pritchard and Antonio Machado in Poetry, Time Regained.



A stork at the bell tower’s peak
circled around its height and around the home below
as the little swallows squealed. Dry winds have crossed
a long, long winter of snow, escaping the inferno.

_________Tomorrow, it might be nice.
Today, the sun bakes the poor earth of Soriana.

The pines are so green they’re
nearly blue and spring
electrifies the poplar blooms
along the highway
and the river, the Duero running gently, terse and mute.

The landscape isn’t innocent; it is down-soft, ripe and cleft.
In the weeds a solitary, shy flower unfolds,
blue—or white… Beauty, beauty tremendous: the meadow unflowered yet,
the mystic spring—

albas flanking the white streets and riverbanks poplar-flush,
and the frothing apex of the mountain
is outlined in remotest blue,
the daysun rising, clearest day—
enchanted, this vision of Spain!



The golden April morning smiled
_____and the pearl moon
_____into the cleave
_________of the curved horizon,
with … Read More »

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