Contributions by Daniel Evans Pritchard

Daniel Evans Pritchard is a poet and critic from Boston. He is the founding editor of The Critical Flame, a journal of long-form reviews and criticism, and works as the Marketing Director for Boston Review. His poems have appeared in The Battersea Review, Little Star, Fulcrum, and elsewhere. Currently working on a new English-language edition of Antonio Machado’s poetry, Daniel has also tried his hand at translations of Sergio Raimundi, Selen Catalina Arango Rodríguez, José Agustín Goytisolo, Rafael Alberti, and Juan Ramón Jiménez, among others. All art is a form of transcendent failure, none more so than translation.

Antonio Machado: Covers by Daniel Evans Pritchard

Published on October 8th of 2013 by Daniel Evans Pritchard and Antonio Machado in Poetry, Time Regained.



A stork at the bell tower’s peak
circled around its height and around the home below
as the little swallows squealed. Dry winds have crossed
a long, long winter of snow, escaping the inferno.

_________Tomorrow, it might be nice.
Today, the sun bakes the poor earth of Soriana.

The pines are so green they’re
nearly blue and spring
electrifies the poplar blooms
along the highway
and the river, the Duero running gently, terse and mute.

The landscape isn’t innocent; it is down-soft, ripe and cleft.
In the weeds a solitary, shy flower unfolds,
blue—or white… Beauty, beauty tremendous: the meadow unflowered yet,
the mystic spring—

albas flanking the white streets and riverbanks poplar-flush,
and the frothing apex of the mountain
is outlined in remotest blue,
the daysun rising, clearest day—
enchanted, this vision of Spain!



The golden April morning smiled
_____and the pearl moon
_____into the cleave
_________of the curved horizon,
with … Read More »

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