Contributions by Julián Fuks

Julián Fuks is a writer and literary critic. He was born in São Paulo to Argentine parents, and these origins can be overwhelming. He has managed to free himself somewhat from this excess of influence with a few of his books: Histórias de literatura e cegueira (Stories of Literature and Blindness), a work of fiction about Borges and other illustrious blind individuals, and Procura do romance (In Pursuit of the Novel), a work in indirect dialogue with Saer and Macedonio, prophets of the literary apocalypse.

Passagem Literária da Consolação [são paulo]

Published on November 20th of 2013 by Julián Fuks and Sarah Bruni in Shelf Love, Tongue Ties.

Julián Fuks
translated by Sarah Bruni

Call it bookstore anxiety disorder. I know I’m not the first to suffer from this affliction, and I won’t be the last. This particular illness should be described in some list of new pathologies—at once intense and subtle, it can attack anyone wandering amid long shelves of shiny, attractive volumes. Nausea, maybe, an angst whose cause is difficult to name: it’s something in the exaggerated order of the books, their eagerness, something in their obvious hierarchy. The larger the store, the clearer its windows, the stronger the feeling—although even in airport bookstores, this malaise can be unexpectedly intense.

I’m sure that this phenomenon has spread to a hundred countries, but São Paulo is one of its origins. Forced to shop at big chains and impassable megastores, the city’s last remaining literate residents are … Read More »

Passagem Literária da Consolação

Published on November 19th of 2013 by Julián Fuks in Guest Languages, Tongue Ties.

Julián Fuks

Chamemos de mal-estar nas livrarias. Sei que não sou o primeiro a sofrer desse infortúnio, sei que não serei a última de suas vítimas. Em algum inventário de novas patologias há de estar descrito esse desconforto específico, a um só tempo intenso e sutil, que pode acometer o sujeito que vagueia entre longas estantes de volumes lustrosos e apelativos. Uma náusea, talvez, uma ânsia cuja causa é difícil de distinguir: algo na ordem excessiva dos livros, em sua prontidão obediente, algo em sua evidente hierarquia. Quanto maior a loja, quanto mais transparentes suas vitrines, mais forte o sentimento – mas nas pequenas livrarias de rodoviárias e aeroportos o mal pode alcançar dimensões imprevistas.

Estou certo de que o fenômeno se alastra por uma centena de países, mas também de que ele encontra em São Paulo uma de suas … Read More »

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