Contributions by Yolanda Castaño

Yolanda Castaño is a Galician poet, columnist, translator, scriptwriter for TV, and occasional food writer. She studied Spanish Philology in the Universidad de A Coruña. She has co-founded a poetry publishing house, and manages the annual poetry festival PontePoética in Pontevedra. Her poems have been translated into Catalan, Euskera, German, Italian, French, Arabic, Maltese, Slavic, Macedonian, Armenian, Albanian, Chinese, Russian, Lituanian, Polish, Finnish and Japanese. She lives in A Coruña.

Yolanda Castaño

Published on May 27th of 2014 by Yolanda Castaño and Carys Evans-Corrales in Poetry, Tongue Ties.

translated by Carys Evans-Corrales

“What’s wrong here is that we don’t know
how to sell ourselves,” your fellow tenants
would always complain.
But when that guy who really had a handle on it
moved into Apartment B, fifth floor,
the whole building soon began to stone him from their little

A cowering disc. Appropriating hens.
If all of our imaginary fades away, where then
are the organs with which we forget?

To raise, it took multitudes;
to demolish: just a handful of folks.





My looks suggest I like
things that I do not.

Everyone speaks through
closed lips.

As does this.
The walls of a grotto where, ten thousand years ago,
someone sullies the natural essence of the stone.
Coins, alternating current,
a girl born with beauty in her genes,
pock-marked by hang-ups.
Like an orgasm in Hedy Lamarr, like Nikola Tesla’s eyes.
A country where one needn’t be,
but can merely
appear … Read More »

Yolanda Castaño

Published on November 19th of 2013 by Yolanda Castaño in Guest Languages.

“Aquí o que nos falla é que
non nos sabemos vender”, queixábase seguido o teu
patio de veciños;
pero cando chegou para o quinto dereita
aquel tipo que si o sabía facer ben,
axiña toda a comunidade comezou a tirarlle pedras dende o

Disco do encollemento. Galiñas da apropiación.
Se todo imaxinario cicatriza, onde están daquela os
órganos do noso esquezo?

Para levantar fixeron falta multitudes,
para botar por terra: un fato, non máis.




Teño cara de gustarme
as cousas que non me gustan.

Os labios de toda a xente
falan sen despegarse.

Isto tamén é así.
As paredes dunha gruta na que alguén, hai dez mil anos,
desdoura o natural da pedra.
Moedas, corrente alterna,
unha rapaza nada cos xenes da beleza,
toda picada de complexos.
Coma un orgasmo de Hedy Lamarr, os ollos de Nikola Tesla.
Un país onde non ser,
onde só cómpre
Luvas desenfundadas, sal, a máis prestixiosa
de todas … Read More »

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