Contributions by Sacha Sperling

Sacha Sperling is a French author born in 1990. His first novel, Mes illusions donnent sur la cour was one of the darlings of the French rentrée in 2009, and was translated into multiple languages. After his second, Les Cœurs en skaï mauve (2011), his third novel came out in September 2013, J’ai perdu tout ce que j’aimais, with Fayard. The title alludes to a song by Alain Souchon. He began writing after reading Bret Easton Ellis, and still reads many American authors. He enjoys getting high and watching American reality shows. He lives in Paris.

I’ve Lost Everything I Loved (excerpt)

Published on November 20th of 2013 by Sacha Sperling and Addie Leak in Fiction, Tongue Ties.

from J’ai perdu tout ce que j’aimais by Sacha Sperling
translated by Addie Leak

I had decided that my name would be Sacha Sperling and that my life would be dazzling and spectacular.

I’d understood that the only way to exist was to become someone else.

I’d written a book.

The book was a success.

It was translated into languages I didn’t speak.

For two years, the foreign versions accumulated in my bookcase. My face was on some; on others, young Asian boys in suggestive poses. Most of the covers looked like the anti-tobacco posters stuck to the walls of school infirmaries.

The book was simple. It was a bunch of scenes telling the story of a lost teenager in love with his best friend. A fourteen-year-old boy almost mechanically recounting the dissolute lives of his … Read More »

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