Contributions by Nathan Jeffers

Nathan Jeffers is a 23-year-old who lives in Tashkent (the Paris of Central Asia) and whose paint covered shirts and chalk dusted trousers bear witness to the daily onslaught of wrathful 3-year-olds. He holds degrees from both Sheffield and Cambridge Universities, adores Russia and can never remember his dreams.

Hyperion [moscow]

Published on November 19th of 2013 by Marfa Nekrasova and Nathan Jeffers in Shelf Love, Tongue Ties.

By Marfa Nekrasova
translated by Nathan Jeffers

The word Hyperion has many possible meanings; it can refer to a book, a poem, a tree, a spaceship, one of the 12 Titans, or even one of Saturn’s moons. However, ask a Muscovite about Hyperion and the reply you will most likely hear will lead you to a bookstore. What you will find is not so much a small back-alley bookshop, stuffed from floor to ceiling with dusty books, but rather a straight up book megastore.

The fact that this bookstore is located in a former house of Culture (a Soviet institution used to host performances and other large gatherings) means it is doomed to have an enduring ‘underground’ vibe. The space of the house of Culture has been used over the past three years in an … Read More »

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